Fleming, George James


(1904–90), newspaperman, social scientist, educator and activist; born in (then Danish) Virgin Islands;  He edited the traditionally Republican black newspaper the Philadelphia Tribune, was a member of Gunnar Myrdal’s research group on race in America, and headed the first Chicago regional office of FEPC (1941–42). As an FEPC investigator in El Paso, Texas (1942–43), he investigated charges of discrimination against Chicanos in copper mines of New Mexico and Arizona. Examiner in charge, Detroit office, FEPC (1943); director, Region III [Philadelphia Office], FEPC (Sept. 1943–Nov. 1945); race relations secretary, American Friends Service Committee (Nov. 1945–50); subsequently editor of the Amsterdam News; and professor of political science at Morgan State College (now University) and University of Pennsylvania. In 1943, he reported to the NAACP about his experiences with several white people on a Pullman sleeping car on the run between Atlanta and Washington, D.C. In 1944, he was involved in negotiations with PTC that led to Philadelphia transit strike.

1904 February 15
1990 August 1