Allen, Alexander Joseph


(1916–84), applicant for position with the Fair Employment Practice Committee (FEPC) but not hired; active in anti-discrimination campaigns related to Western Electric, Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone, and Baltimore Transit cases; industrial secretary (1943) and executive director (1944–50), Baltimore Urban League; executive director, Pittsburgh Urban League (1950–60) and New York Urban League (1964–66); vice president for programming, National Urban League (1979–84). He served as a member of a special committee formed in 1948 to inquire into problems of African American employment at the Bureau of Old Age and Survivors Insurance (BOASI) in Baltimore. Born in Boston; BS, Wilberforce University (1937); BD, Yale (1940); MSSW, Columbia (1942).

1916 April 30
1984 September 28