Mitchell, James Paul


(1900–1964) (R-N.J.), expediter, Western Electric (1925–30); staff member, N.J. Relief Administration (1931–36); staff member, WPA (1936–40); director, Industrial Personnel Division, Army Service Forces, War Department (1941–45); supporter of civil rights; praised by Mitchell for 8/3/42 memo requiring defense contractors to delete racial specification from employment application forms; later executive with Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s (1945–53); assistant secretary of the army (May–Oct. 1953); secretary of labor (1953–61); vice chair, CGC (1953–61). Early in his tenure as labor secretary, he gave assurance that all contracts with the District of Columbia would ban discrimination. In 1954, he met with NAACP officials to discuss federal aid to segregated housing.

1900 November 12
1964 October 19